Enabling Development - Our Service

What we offer

Teaching, Classes, Courses

One of the main ways to grow, is to develop new skills, obtain new knowledge. We, at Oikospectrum, try to come up with new ways to teach new skills, or hone already present ones. Be it in a traditional classroom setting or with digital media, we do our best to make absorbing new information as pleasant, quick and easy as possible.

Psychological counsel

Sometimes, learning a new skill is not enough. Sometimes, something is holding us back from reaching our full potential. At Oikospectrum, we believe that even the biggest roadblock is only a temporary setback, meant to teach us something we haven’t thought about yet.

Our skilled personell will gladly assist you with any and every potential obstacle you might face in your journey towards self-development.


While tending to the mind is a good place to start, the initial spark can quickly be extinguished if we don’t take care of our environment. That’s why we believe that there is the such a thing as the right place for the right person.

Our real-estate agent strongly defend that idea by giving you honest advice about your real-estate plans and ideas. Feel free to ask any related topic that you want and we will provide you with an honest answer. And, of course, we gladly assist in your search for a new home, more suited to your own personal growth, or in the sale of unneeded (real-estate) ballast.

The Results

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

— Eleanor Roosevelt